Federal Government abandons Central Land Council

30 October 2019

MALARNDIRRI MCCARTHY, SENATOR FOR THE NORTHERN TERRITORY: Hello, we're here on Anangu country and we've just met with the members of the Central Land Council and they're not happy. There's been no ministers here from the federal government and the issues raised were clearly important to all of the delegates there in particular, Linda, thecashless debit card and CDP.

LINDA BURNEY, MEMBER FOR BARTON:The two main issues were absolutely the planned rolled out next year at the cashless debit card. People made the point that no one's come to talk to them. There's been no consultation at all from the government on the cashless debitcard and they also wanted to talk to the Minister directly and wanted to knowwhere he was. Very big frustrations about provision of infrastructure, huge frustrations about CDP and the way in which the CDP is operating. It is not
providing proper jobs, it's not providingproper conditions and there was a manthere that said he was going to get cut off today because this is an importantmeeting for him.

MCCARTHY: And we heard stories just about the families you know a lot of the women were tellingus stories about how they're very concerned in relation to CDP and the breaches and the impact that it's havingespecially on the children and food and not being able to really do the things that they'd like to do so we're going totake those messages back to Canberra andwe'll keep fighting for the abolishment of the CDP program.

BURNEY: We've also made a commitment of course to come back to visit some communities next year we areserious about listening to people and clearly as Malarndirri said people arefrustrated they want to talk to the government.